

發(fā)布日期:2022-05-16 17:19






Medical shoe covers are generally used by medical personnel and can also be used for health protection. YY / t1633-2019 standard shall be used for the quality inspection report and test standard of medical protective shoe cover.

Main test items: appearance, structure and specification, water permeability, surface moisture resistance, breaking strength and elongation at break, filtration efficiency, ethylene oxide residue, microbial index, sterility, etc. disposable medical shoe covers can provide different levels of protection according to user needs.

The bottom includes a non slip tread to reduce the risk of slipping during use.

A series of impervious medical shoe covers and knee high protective covers are provided to significantly improve the protection ability of users in the case of a large amount of liquid contact risk. Therefore, there are differences in the materials between medical shoe covers and ordinary shoe covers. Medical shoe covers are made of composite materials, and the protective and isolation effect is better than ordinary disposable shoe covers.

Disposable shoe covers are light and thin, easy to break, and can not be used repeatedly, while medical shoe covers are sterilized, and the material is thick and not easy to break.

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