

發(fā)布日期:2022-01-18 17:25


During ophthalmic surgery, it is difficult to keep the ocular surface absolutely sterile, and once ophthalmic surgery is infected, the consequences to patients are quite serious.


Therefore, we should pay special attention to the potential factors that may cause infection, such as dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, general state, hygiene, etc.


For the operator, in addition to exquisite surgical techniques, strict aseptic operation is very important.


Among them, surgical film is a key step in the beginning of surgery.


When applying the film, wipe the tears around the eyelid margin with a cotton swab so that the film can be applied better. Do not directly contact the operation field with your fingers;


The plastic film should firmly adhere to the eyelid, including eyelashes and surrounding skin around the eye area to avoid liquid entering under the film and reduce the chance of contamination of the operation field;


When the eyelid opener is used to open the eyelid, the film shall be wrapped around the eyelid margin and eyelashes to avoid the secretion of meibomian gland from entering the conjunctival sac;


When laying the towel, move gently to avoid the flying of cotton wadding and particles in the air;


After laying the towel, leave enough breathing space for the patient and take oxygen if necessary;


Aseptic disposable surgical towel with film has the advantages of convenient use, no cotton wadding, no manual cleaning and sterilization, and can be popularized.

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